Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Recently I was asked by one of my home-skillets, to help out with concepts for a senior thesis project he's tackling. Aside from the fact that his ideas are solid, and his drive is nothing short of inspirational, I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to do some critical thinking thanks to him and feed off some of that energy. So were moving things along 1 step at a time. This is the initial look and overall feel for the main character. I don't think its my place to divulge all the details about his project but time will tell so stay tuned as I reveal the awesomeness, in the mean time I'll do my part. Every now and then I'll post these updates here and there,. Hes got a whole ton of images from more earlier works that I did for the project, these are just nitpicked for my blog. I'll give you guys the link as soon as I figure out how to work this damn link thing!


Darnell said...

I like the look of this character.

Jesse Flores said...

its coming out sweet man, keep pushing it. I'm showing peoplez here and everyone is getting hype for my thesis (which means more publicity). So thanks a lot mang! your gospel is growing in NYC